Hello everyone, I am so excited about today's post. I am participating in something circling around with writers in the social media community. Writer's are tagging each other on social media to answer the questions below, for the community to get to know us a little better. Kristen Martin, a fellow writer was tagged, and in her vlog, she tagged all of us writers. So I thought it sounded like something fun I could share with you, my beautiful audience. So without further ado here we go, enjoy!
1. What kind of writer are you?
This one is a little hard for me to define. My first novel More Than Words Can Say is a young adult. While my second novel, Falling For You is contemporary fiction. However, I’m leaning more toward contemporary fiction.
2. When did you start writing and what made you want to try it?
I started writing in 2009. One day while reading Twilight, it hit me. I was reading in my car during lunch when I had a random thought: I think I can do this. That night I started putting my thoughts together, and shortly after ,I started writing my book (More Than Words Can Say). It took no time at all to see that writing had always been something I wanted to do. Time and again, I found evidence that throughout my life I had come up with countless book ideas. Only difference this time was, I actually took action.
3. What inspires your stories?
There isn’t one particular place that my stories come from. I could be inspired by a song, a movie, a person, conversation, the weather. Inspiration is everywhere for me.
4. What themes do you explore in your writing?
I explore relationships. I am a fan of romantic comedy films and I love to write similar themes, only without the comedy—I’m not funny, unfortunately.
5. Are you a plotter, pantser, planters?
I started out as a pantser, but now that I’ve learned so much about writing, (7 weeks from getting my Bachelor’s degree in English with a creative writing track) I am a plotter. I can’t believe I wrote an entire novel by the seat of my pants.
6. Where are you in your writing journey?
I have self-published two novels. My novel Falling For You, got really close to getting representation, but it didn’t work out in the end. I’m in the process of writing my third novel, Between Us.
7. Have you entered any writing contests? Did you win any?
No, I haven’t. But I’m starting to look into some contests now.
8. Who are your writing heroes?
I’m a huge fan of Jojo Moyes and Emily Giffin, they are contemporary fiction authors and Marissa Meyer, who is a young adult author.
9. Have you been to a writing conference?
No, but there are two happening in Orlando, FL in September and I plan on attending at least one of them. Can’t wait. I will keep all of you posted on how I prepare for this event.
10. What are your top 3 writing tips
Plot your novel.
Have your novel professionally edited.
When you’re ready to publish your novel (if you’re self-published) hire professionals to do the work for you. Hire someone to design your book cover and to format your book—both e-book and print.
Hope you enjoyed and that you learned a little more about me. Now it's my turn to tag someone, I am tagging all you writers! Go on, write your blog or record your vlog answering the above question, can't wait to learn more about each and everyone of you. Remember to swing by Kristen Martin's YouTube channel to learn more about her life as writer.
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Till Next Time